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ART 180 Celebrates New Mural at ROSMY

ROSMY mural inprogressRichmond, Virginia – ART 180 and ROSMY dedicate a landmark piece of public art at 2311 Westwood Avenue in Richmond celebrating the voices of LGBTQ youth. The two organizations are hosting a good old-fashioned cookout to celebrate love and community July 24.

This is not the first collaboration for ART 180 and ROSMY. Programs in the past have included theatre as well as a recent project using mixed media to talk about identity as it relates to LGBTQ youth. Now, local artists Chris Milk Hulburt and Julie Elkins are leading ROSMY teens in the design and execution of this new mural on the massive side of the ROSMY building.

The celebration event will be an opportunity for the community to examine the mural, meet the lead artists and the young people at ROSMY. Julie Elkins and Lily Lamberta will provide some musical entertainment. In addition, Chris Milk Hulburt will be selling his newest creations, 3-D painted birds, and sharing the proceeds with ART 180.

The dedication event kicks off at six o’clock at ROSMY on Westwood Avenue, two blocks north of Broad Street. Food and drinks will be provided. RSVP to


ART 180 gives young people in challenging circumstances the chance to express themselves through art, and to share their stories with others. Since 1998, the nonprofit organization has worked with youth in the Richmond area to create art that explains and illustrates their feelings, thoughts, and experiences. Partnering with other organizations that serve young people, ART 180 designs projects that allow for self-expression, and creates venues for this expression in the community. The name reflects their vision of turning lives and communities around 180 degrees. ART 180 also operates Atlas, an art center for teens in Jackson Ward.


Founded in 1991 in Richmond, Virginia, ROSMY’s mission is to ensure equal opportunities for success for Virginia’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth through access to support, education, and advocacy. ROSMY continues to be the only organization in the area that directly addresses the unique needs and the healthy social development of LGBTQ youth ages 14-20. It offers weekly youth support meetings, sensitivity training for professionals, educational resources, youth leadership initiatives, and a safe place where all youth are encouraged to value the diverse individuals who make our community a dynamic, exceptional place.

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