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The battle was on from day one between area pools and swim teams, and now the donations to FeedMore’s Central Virginia Food Bank have been tallied. Dunk Hunger 2015 raised the equivalent of 77,404 meals for FeedMore! That’s more than the last three Dunk Hunger campaigns COMBINED. A large part of that is due to the generous sponsor support from RVA businesses who care about our community.
Pools joined in from all over Richmond! Here are the top ten finishers:
Canterbury Swim Team |
Burkwood Swim Club |
Wyndham Tidal Waves |
Kanawha Rec Center |
Surreywood Swim Club |
The Dominion Club Breakers |
Avalon Recreation Association |
Richmond Country Club |
Church Run Rockets |
Westwood Club |
Canterbury Recreation Association was the big winner this year. Their winners’ party is scheduled for Monday afternoon, August 24. RFM and Virginia Swim Shop will provide food, music, and fun to celebrate a job well-done. The first one hundred families who attend the party will receive bling bags with great giveaways and info from RFM’s generous Dunk Hunger 2015 sponsors.
“The real winners,” said RFM’s publisher and founder Margaret Thompson, “are the families across Central Virginia who struggle with chronic hunger and will now benefit from the great generosity of our very special community of RFM readers.”