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RFM Bookshelf: Katherine Wintsch Has a Powerful Message for Mothers

RFM Bookshelf

RFM team members share a book they’ve enjoyed. Maybe you will, too!


There’s a powerful message in this book, and I wish I’d heard it right out of the motherhood gate.

When my family saw Katherine Wintsch’s book, Slay Like a Mother: How to Destroy What’s Holding you Back so you Can Live the Life You Want, lying around our house, I heard a few comments about the aggressive nature of the title. I’m here to tell you: This Richmond native and businesswoman doesn’t hold back. 

When Katherine talks tough about “slaying the dragon of self-doubt” most of us live with, it’s because she knows motherhood isn’t a fairy tale – despite what the perfect moms of social media would have us believe.   

And frankly, I love the tough talk. If there’s one thing parenting three women-children (or dragon slayers, as Wintsch calls them!) has taught me, it’s that life has a wealth of unique challenges in store for women – whether we’re moms or not. Slay Like a Mother is honest and entertaining, and full of real-life examples from Katherine’s experience as a mom and as the founder of The Mom Complex in Richmond – a company dedicated to studying the passion and pain points of mothers around the world. 

That said, there are two things I like best about this book: its emphasis on learning to live in the present, and the little exercises that are sprinkled throughout its pages to help you do just that. A great gift, Slay Like a Motheris the kind of book every mom should have handy for daily inspiration.   

Karen Schwartzkopf has her dream job as managing editor of RFM. Wife, mother, arts and sports lover, she lives and works in the West End with her family, including husband Scott, who not coincidentally is RFM’s creative director. You can read Karen’s take on parenting her three daughters – Sam, Robin, and Lindsey, also known as the women-children – in the Editor’s Voice.

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