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Nationally Renowned Lawyer Kenneth Feinberg to Speak at JCC

Richmond, Va.—Kenneth Feinberg, recognized as “Lawyer of the Year” (2004) and one of “The 100 Most Influential Lawyers in America” (1988, 1991, 2000, 2006), is the keynote speaker for the 2014 JCC Forum Saturday, Feb. 8,  7:30 p.m., at the Carole and Marcus Weinstein Jewish Community Center (Weinstein JCC), 5403 Monument Ave. The JCC Forum is a highlight of the Weinstein JCC’s Patron of the Arts series and is open to the public. Program admission is $35 per person—discounted to $30 for current University of Richmond Law students— and tickets may be purchased at or by calling (804) 285-6500.

In his “What is Life Worth?” presentation, Feinberg explores piercing questions that accompany the aftermath of tragedy, such as How do you decide how much a life is worth? Is a firefighter who was killed trying to rescue people during 9/11 worth more than a woman who lost her legs in the Boston Marathon bombing? Are survivors worth an equal amount if one is supporting three children and one is not?  Feinberg examines these complex questions with knowledge and experience as administrator to many widely known victims assistance funds, such as Special Master of the Federal September 11th Victim Compensation Fund, Hokie Spirit Memorial Fund, BP Oil Spill Fund, the Jerry Sandusky scandal, the Aurora, Col. movie theater shooting and most recently, The One Fund Boston, which is the central fund gathering donations for the Marathon bombing victims. Feinberg also has served on Presidential Advisory Commissions and had a distinguished teaching career at law schools including Georgetown University, University of Pennsylvania, NYU, UVA, and Columbia.

The presentation promises to be especially informative to legal professionals and students.

The Carole and Marcus Weinstein Jewish Community Center is a full-service recreational, cultural and social service organization that provides the Greater Richmond community with programs and services for all ages and faiths. For additional information, visit

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