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Register for Anthem LemonAid! July 19, 20, and 21

​Sign up to host your Anthem LemonAid stand in Richmond, July 19 through 21. 
For one weekend each July, Richmond area families, businesses and community organizations can set up a lemonade stand to make a big difference for local kids fighting cancer.
It’s free to participate and supplies are provided. Every registered participant will receive lemonade mix, cups, a pitcher, a banner, stickers and sunglasses. Stands can be set up at an available retail stand site or at a place of participants’ choosing, like a local business, front yard, or neighborhood pool.
Participants will distribute cups of lemonade in exchange for donations and 100% of all funds raised will support kids fighting cancer at Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU.
Be sure to stop by West End Market on Saturday, July 20, and visit the RFM Family Stand. 

Get the details at

Why Host a Stand? Meet Madison

When typically active Madison stopped using her left arm in July 2018, her parents, Roxanne and Adam, knew something wasn't right. After almost two months of seeking answers, doctors at Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU (CHoR) confirmed she had germinoma, a rare form of cancer most commonly found in the brain. 

Madison's journey since then has included three spinal taps, a brain biopsy, 40 overnight hospital stays, four rounds of chemotherapy and 20 radiation treatments. Throughout it all, the smile of this spunky 9-year-old continued to light up a room.

In April, Madison and her family received the long-awaited news from doctors that she is "cancer free." Now she has her sights set on "having a big cancer-free party," returning to the soccer and softball fields and of course, setting up an Anthem LemonAid stand this summer. 


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