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Scouting for Food – Donation Drive is Saturday, October 26

DSC_0006On Saturday, October 26, an estimated 8,000 Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Venture Scouts will fan out through Central Virginia neighborhoods distributing grocery bags door-to-door marking phase one of the annual Scouting for Food effort, now in its twenty-sixth year. A week later on Saturday, November 2, phase two will commence when the Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, and Venture Scouts will return to these same neighborhoods to collect the bags filled with donations.

“This year, nearly 260,000 households will receive a bag on October 26, and it is our hope that thousands of Central Virginia residents will fill these bags with non-perishable items like peanut butter, canned vegetables, canned fruits, tuna fish, and more,” said Jeff Baldwin, media and public relations manager for FeedMore.

“According to Boy Scouts of America’s Heart of Virginia Council, approximately 15 percent of households that receive a bag will actually donate food, but more than ever, we need the entire community to pitch in, ensuring that FeedMore is able to continue providing food to those in need.”

scouting for food drive _ Feedmore 2“Currently, there are over 206,000 individuals in our community that live with hunger every day – a statistic that includes a staggering 51,000 children,” explained Baldwin. “A small, five percent increase in participation during ‘Scouting for Food’ would equate to thousands of pounds of additional food donated.”

Baldwin says each day, FeedMore’s Central Virginia Food Bank distributes, on average, 83,000 pounds of food. That’s why food drives like Scouting for Food are critical to Feedmore’s mission. “And more so than ever in these tough economic times,” added Baldwin.

Those making donations should place their filled bags outside their front doors by 9:30 AM on Saturday, November 2, and individuals who do not receive a bag, but want to participate, may make a food donation at any Richmond-area Martin’s location.

Last year, 197,000 pounds of food were donated to FeedMore’s Central Virginia Food Bank through the Scout-powered donation drive and this year, FeedMore and Boy Scouts of America’s Heart of Virginia Council hope to collect at least 206,000 pounds of food.

Financial contributions can also be made here: Donate Online – FeedMore

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