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Support Tucker High School’s Journey to the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh

J.R. Tucker High School’s Theatre Department has been selected as one of fewer than fifty schools from across the United States and Canada to perform at the Fringe Festival in Edinburgh, Scotland in August 2017.  This is the second time in three years that J.R. Tucker has been honored in this manner. On the group’s last trip, J.R. Tucker was nominated for the Freedom of Expression award by Amnesty International.

“From the thousands of productions at the Fringe, we were one of only seventy-five plays nominated, and only two high schools nominated for the award. No other school in the Richmond area has been selected to perform at the Fringe in more than a decade,” said Lisa Dyer, who teaches drama at Tucker.

To complement its selection to perform at the Fringe, the J.R. Tucker High School Drama Department is working on an exciting and challenging season for the 2016-2017 school year. The season opens with the fifth annual production of Movements, a school-wide performance showcase where all proceeds are donated to a local charity. This will be followed by the musical Bring It On, with lyrics and music by Tony winner Lin-Manuel Miranda. In February, students will present the play Decision Height, a play about female pilots in World War II and winner of the Kennedy Center American College Festival New Play Award in 2013.


A note from the J.R. Tucker Drama Boosters:

We are asking area businesses to donate items or gift cards for our upcoming silent auction. All businesses that support our journey to the Fringe will also have their ads printed in our three show programs, posted on our public Facebook page, and promoted in our school community all year long.

It is because of our community partners that our students have had access to so many unique opportunities to perform challenging work, to being cultural ambassadors on an international stage at the Fringe in Edinburgh, Scotland. Thank you for your help in opening the doors to such exciting experiences for our students.

This is a tax-deductible non-profit organization (EIN number, 54-6001344) that exists to better the theatre experience for the students of J.R. Tucker High School both inside and outside of the classroom.  We are soliciting community support to help keep our program on the cutting edge of teaching, learning, and experiencing theatre.


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