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Think Inside the Box with Dominion Harvest!



Dominion Harvest: Good – And Good for Us!

The Dominion Harvest Red Box is delivered to your door, full of locally grown produce and artisan products like cheese and bread.

The RFM team has been enjoying some special deliveries, and they’re not in a little blue box, but a big red one. Maybe you’ve seen the red bins on your neighbors’ doorsteps from time to time and wondered what they’re all about. Well, I’ll tell you – it’s their Dominion Harvest deliveries, and those boxes are packed full of goodness!

Here’s how it works: You set up your deliveries for the frequency and amount and type of produce that work for your family. We receive The Jefferson Box every other Friday, which gives us ten or eleven types of produce, a dozen eggs, cheese, bread, and meat. The day before our delivery, I get an email telling me what to expect and giving me a chance to make substitutions.

Here’s my email about tomorrow’s box:

In Your Jefferson Box (items vary depending on availability)
Sugar Snap Peas
Salad Mix

Ramen Noodles
Napa Cabbage
Dozen Eggs
Gouda Cheese (Feta, Chevre, Cheddar or Swiss available)
Challah Bread (Gluten Free Pasta available)
Ground Bison (Ground Beef, Steaks, or Sausage available)

**Shiitake Mushrooms, Kohlrabi, Tofu, Tempeh, Veggie Chorizo, or Veggie Breakfast Sausage available as a replacement for any item above. 
**To place a replacement request please REPLY to this email by 10pm tonight. Your email could say, for example, “no asparagus, add bibb lettuce” or “no kale, add beets.”

The best thing about these items is that they are all grown on sustainable Virginia farms. Did you know the average distance produce travels to get to most grocery stores is 1,750 miles?! The items in our Dominion Harvest box travel no more than 100 or so miles to get to our doorstep. And every box comes with a farmer grid, which shows which farm each item in your box comes from and the county in the state of Virginia that farm is located.

We’ve had so much fun experimenting with new-to-us foods this spring. I never would have thought to buy bok choy at the grocery store, but when it arrived in my box, and some recipes came in my email to give me ideas of how to prepare it, we gave it a try. Guess what? It’s yummy! And beets? I love my grandma’s pickled beets at Easter, but I have never known how to cook a beet from its fresh-from-the-ground state. A few short minutes of Google searching later, and I was boiling, peeling and taste-testing those purple gems, and before I knew it, I was pickling them right up – Granny would be so proud!

You can add on some other great Virginia items too, like my absolutely favorite, Good News Granola from Hudson Henry Baking Company. There are a variety of pastas, coffees, yogurts, breads, meats, cheeses, and more available for purchase, all delivered to your doorstep in the red Dominion Harvest box.

Here’s what some of the RFM team members had to say about their experience with Dominion Harvest:

I’m like a kid in a candy store, but so much healthier. I love coming home and seeing the big red bin on my porch! I know we’ll eat healthier and try new veggies, made easier with recipes from Dominion Harvest. The kids like to get in on the cooking action, which leads to eating better. I also love the add-ons. I’ve tried local honey, pancake mix, vinegars, delicious cheeses, and more. The process couldn’t be simpler and we couldn’t be happier. It’s the best thing you can do for your family to move toward a healthier diet!”

“We’ve been challenging ourselves to eat everything in the box. Everyone loves sautéed bok choy, and the asparagus is the best we’ve ever tasted.”

“My family has tried to be more intentional about eating healthy for a while now but my Dominion Harvest box has taken us to the next level, giving us the opportunity to experiment with foods that we would not have otherwise tried.  For me, it’s an opportunity to get past the intimidation of experimenting with something new. I can now say that we have tried swiss chard, bok choy, and beets. The nutrient awareness was enough to motivate me to experiment and not let any of these great foods go to waste. I did have some reservations in the beginning about the food not being used due to time or energy of trying new things but Dominion Harvest is great about sending recipes along, and I am proud to say that my fridge is empty by the end of the week. Be creative to avoid the waste. I chopped my spring onions I didn’t use and put them in the freezer for future recipes. I put spinach in our smoothies (my kids new favorite way to eat their fruits and veggies). Pack your kids school lunch with a boiled egg, strawberries, cucumber slices and maybe a beet brownie for a treat.  The time invested is worth both the nutritional benefits and the life lessons for our kids. Take the leap, save the $10 through RFM and give it a try!”

Use our exclusive discount code RFM10OFF for $10 off your first delivery, and this summer, think inside the box! Start here: Dominion Harvest.


Margaret Thompson never thought she’d be a business owner (or a mom for that matter!), but after realizing a need for a high quality, content-focused magazine for Richmond area families, she dove in! With twenty years of marketing and project management under her belt, she pulls all of the pieces together each month to get RFM out to our eager readers. Mom of two teen boys, Margaret and her husband Chris live in Hanover County.

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