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Happy Holiday Season 2012


Happy Holiday Season 2012!

I have a feeling this will go down as the best year to enjoy the season through the kids’ eyes and minds…at ages 4 and 6, Scott and Will are counting down the days until the big guy slides down the chimney, and their excitement is infectious! Unfortunately, so is their snot, but that’s a sob story I’ll spare you!

The year has been relatively uneventful, which is a good thing! The big event in the household this year was a job change for Chris. After six and a half years with fast-growing Snagajob, he moved over to a state position with Virginia Retirement System. He hardly knew what to do with himself on his first Veteran’s Day off in his life! (We actually snuck away for a date day in Williamsburg! It was marvelous!)  He’s adjusting to working downtown after spending most of his career in Short Pump, and he now can navigate the food carts with the best of them. He joined the Y and goes to spin classes several times a week, and he still hits the mountain bike trails as often as he can. What he hasn’t been able to fit into his schedule is large enough chunks of time to golf. I’m sure he misses it, and I’m sure I should do more to help him carve out that time!

The magazine keeps me busy, with still just four of us putting it all together each month. I am fortunate to have three talented colleagues who treat it as if it’s their own, and thanks to them, it is almost always running like a well-oiled machine. The sales had fallen into my lap, which is definitely not in my comfort zone, but I quickly discovered that no one can get out there and speak as passionately about your company as YOU! I also figured out early on that the bills roll in every month whether there’s money to cover them or not, so I’d better make sure the ads keep coming in! Greater Richmond parents seem to be enjoying the magazine each month, and all 35,000 copies get scooped up before the month’s out, so we must be doing something right! Most days, I still can’t believe I’m a business owner and that the logo that just flashed up on TV as the official sponsor of the Harlem Globetrotters’ New Year’s Eve Richmond show is mine!!

Now to the fun part, those wild boys! Will and Scott are the best of friends and now more than ever entertain each other around the clock. It will be so fun to have them both at Pearson’s Corner Elementary School next year…I can’t believe Scott will be in kindergarten!  He somehow managed to teach himself how to read when he was three, and I kid you not, he can read on at least a third grade level! His teachers are amazed that his tone and inflection are even spot-on…it’s a little freaky! Will hasn’t let it get to him, and he often asks Scott for help when he gets stuck on a word. Will’s first grade teacher is fantastic, and she loves getting these little ones reading with ease by the end of the year. Much to Grandma Thompson’s delight, Will played soccer in the fall, and he’ll play basketball for the first time this winter.  Scott plays soccer through his preschool, but what he loves more than anything is music! The child sings all the time and he loves playing DJ on his “phone”.  Like their dad and most kids, they have quite a fondness for the iPad and all things electronic.

We are considering taking a family trip to L.A. for my dad’s 80th birthday next month, but even if the boys don’t join me, I’ll head out with all of my siblings to celebrate D.O.D.’s (Dear Old Dad) big day.

As I write this in the early hours of December 13th, I realize that the world did in fact not end on 12-12-12…guess I’m gonna have to sign all of these cards after all!

Have a wonderful Christmas and a fantastic 2013! Keep in touch!

Much Love,


Margaret Thompson never thought she’d be a business owner (or a mom for that matter!), but after realizing a need for a high quality, content-focused magazine for Richmond area families, she dove in! With twenty years of marketing and project management under her belt, she pulls all of the pieces together each month to get RFM out to our eager readers. Mom of two teen boys, Margaret and her husband Chris live in Hanover County.

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