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This year, National Kids to Parks Day is going digital, and Virginia State Parks has organized a full day of engaging, educational, and interpretive programming that will air from its Facebook page on Saturday, May 16.
Park rangers will bring a much needed dose of nature to children and families with programs airing on the hour from 9 a.m. until 8 p.m. Visitors who tune in will float along on a sunrise paddle; enjoy demonstrations on camping, fire starting and campfire cooking; and dissect owl pellets, uncover fossils and learn about the cosmos.
A full schedule and additional details are available at VirginiaStateParks.gov.
“We take great pride in educating our youngest visitors about the wonderful resources our parks preserve and the recreational opportunities they provide,” Virginia State Parks Director Melissa Baker said. “Parks to Kids Day will showcase the determination and adaptability of our park rangers with this full day of online programming.”
Rangers from across the state have already been working to meet visitors in the digital space by uploading interpretive programs to the Fun and Learning page on the Virginia State Parks website. Cumulatively, these interpretive videos have thousands of shares and hundreds of thousands of views.
In conjunction with Parks to Kids Day, Virginia State Parks is hosting a virtual art gallery. Submissions of park-inspired art from children 17 and under are being accepted through Wednesday, May 13. Submissions meeting the criteria will be featured on the Virginia State Parks website for the May 16 celebration.
This year marks the tenth anniversary of Kids to Parks Day. According to the Kids to Parks website, “National Kids to Parks Day is designed and intended to connect kids to the experiences found in our parks. Kids today need outdoor and cultural experiences found in our parks, which help them connect and discover something about themselves.”
Virginia State Parks’ remain open for day-use activities. For the latest news regarding available services and recreational opportunities, visit virginiastateparks.gov/covid-19-update.
To read about National Parks in RFM, go here.
To read about Virginia State Parks in RFM, go here.