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Young Entrepreneurs Launch Anti-Exclusionary Anti-Bully Clothing Line

Motivated by heated remarks made by popular clothing store CEO, 2 siblings look to create a more inclusive, accepting clothing brand.

They were shocked at the controversial remarks recently brought to light about clothing store policies that limited its sizes in order to appeal only to “cool, good looking people.” These self-proclaimed “exclusionary” policies inspired them to boycott this brand and create their own clothing line, XLudingNoOne. They hope to embrace people of all sizes and ages, asserting that beauty is never defined by a number.

Public backlash against this exclusive brand began in the form of boycotting stores, online petitions, and donating these particular clothes to the homeless. Meghan and James wanted to go a step further and create a new brand in which diversity, independence, and inclusion were embraced instead of shunned. They want to prove that it is not just a brand that sells—but also the philosophy and people behind it.

“A lot of people don’t belong [in our clothes], and they can’t belong. Are we exclusionary? Absolutely.” This sentiment shared by the CEO of a popular clothing company is certainly not new, but it is a stark reminder of how societal norms are reinforced.
Meghan and James are no strangers to this type of exclusion—they ran an anti-bullying campaign just a few years back. As the school year ended, they immediately brought their focus to XLudingNoOne, a company they hope will facilitate in their anti-bullying efforts. They want to reach out globally and demonstrate that being “cool and attractive” is not limited to a certain size, but rather shaped by attitude. “Everybody deserves the same respect,” they stress, “regardless of what our differences may be.”

Meghan and James (with assistance from dad), filed corporate documents, filed Trademark applications, bought websites, established vendors, linked bank accounts, started visiting suppliers, and creating buzz on social media. They are offering 4 separate $250 gift cards for back to school shopping for the best XLuding No One sign emailed in to their website. Contest ends July 31.
XLuding No One is a clothing brand that aims to create a dialogue with the public about healthy body image and acceptance. It crosses international borders emphasizing their message of anti-bullying and inclusiveness….a message they hope is fully embraced by returning school students, teachers, and parents. will launch on June 29th.

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