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Essential Oils Slow Flow Yoga Class

YogaSix, Scott's Addition 3920 W. Broad St. Suite 105, Richmond, VA

A slow and stretchy flow paired with various essential oils. The class is sequenced with oils for various intentions, leaving you in a puddle on your mat at the end, in the best way.


Hot Power Vinyasa Workshop

YogaSix, Scott's Addition 3920 W. Broad St. Suite 105, Richmond, VA

This 90 minute workshop will incorporate a hot power vinyasa flow that will provide an opportunity to practice your form and test your endurance. The workshop will include a 10 minute meditation at the end to bring your practice to a peaceful and relaxing finale. Call to register (804) 658-5601.


Essential Oils Slow Flow Yoga with Natalie

YogaSix, Scott's Addition 3920 W. Broad St. Suite 105, Richmond, VA

Come ready to slow things down, mind and body, release stress and tension, and learn about the benefits of incorporating essential oils into your yoga practice. Leave feeling relaxed and ready for an incredible night of sleep. Call to register 804-477-3042.


Essential Oils Slow Flow Yoga with Natalie

YogaSix, Scott's Addition 3920 W. Broad St. Suite 105, Richmond, VA

Come ready to slow things down in mind and body, release stress and tension, and learn about the benefits of incorporating essential oils into your yoga practice. Leave feeling relaxed and ready for an incredible night of sleep. Call to register (804) 658-5601

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