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Ananth Thyagarajan, MD, or Dr. T as he is known by many of his patients, is an allergist-immunologist and father of two. He specializes in allergy, asthma, and food allergy and sees patients at Allergy Partners of Richmond.
That Stings!

During spring and summer, bees and other flying insects are busy collecting food. Unfortunately, sometimes we humans get in their way. In order to protect themselves, they end up attacking…

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All About Asthma

Approximately 34.1 million Americans have been diagnosed with asthma, a common lung disorder characterized by episodes of coughing, wheezing, and shortness of breath. Asthma is caused by inflammation of the…

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Food allergies, which can lead to serious or even life-threatening allergic reactions, develop when the body’s immune system has an abnormal reaction to one or more proteins in a food.…

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