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Denise Noble is a mom of two and has master’s degree in counselor education. She is affiliated with, the parenting education arm of Greater Richmond SCAN, and has coached parents and worked with families for nearly twenty years.
Can Kids Learn Gratitude?

I have watched kids in my extended family open birthday and Christmas presents over the years, and I don’t like what I’ve seen. My kids are still preschoolers, and I want them…

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We just spent a weekend with my brother’s family, and it broke my heart! His kids get along perfectly. What can I do about the perpetual fighting that goes on between…

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Parenting Digital Teens

My 13-year-old is in an awkward phase, and her elementary school friends have left her behind as they continue to be on sports teams, which no longer interest her. She is…

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Expert Parenting Advice

Q: My 15-year-old son is built exactly like me, thin and wiry, while my 13-year-old daughter is the picture of her dad – not overweight, but stronger and heavier with…

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New Baby Alert!

Q: We’re expecting our second child in two months. Our firstborn is two-and-a-half and very excited at times, patting my tummy and talking to the baby. At other times, she seems very…

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Kids and Screen Time

Q: We have two children, a 9-year-old boy and a 14-year old girl. It's becoming harder to monitor what movies they watch and video games they play as they start…

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Expert Advice

Q. I just found out that one of my 16-year-old son’s close friends is in rehab – or has started AA or something similar. I don’t have all the details,…

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Advice for Parents

Q: Our first son was talking up a storm by age two, but his little brother doesn't seem to be picking it up as well. He follows directions, so we…

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