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Diane York is a Richmond-based freelancer, mother, and grandmother and regular contributor to RFM. She writes about lifestyle and wellness issues.

To this day, my son will watch me as I raise a vodka martini to my lips and say, “Mom, you realize you are killing off your brain cells every…

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At the grocery store I overheard snippets of a couple’s conversation. “Are you saying we always buy organic no matter what?” the man asked. “Yes, always,” the woman replied, examining…

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When Cheryl Ratcliff’s son Tim was seven years old, he was convinced his Superman cape would allow him to fly and leapt off the roof of a building. He also…

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Enthusiastic? Yes. Optimistic? Definitely. But naïve, they weren’t. Even after Robert and Page Bethke completed the six-week intensive course they jokingly referred to as “the scared straight for adoptive parents,”…

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Her favorite day of the year is April 13. It’s not her birthday. It’s not the first day of spring. It’s the day Allison Gillman saw her cousin in a…

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“The reality didn’t hit me until the day we moved,” says 14-yearold Rose, whose parents were finally divorcing after years of trying to save a tumultuous marriage. “I was just…

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When her son’s teacher contacted her about his inability to stay focused and complete tasks, Alisa Brookshire was angry. She says, “At first, I thought it was the teacher. I…

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