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Jennifer Kyzer has been training dogs and their humans since 2005. Owner of 2 Speak Dog and a mom of two, she and her family live in the city. She works wherever the dogs take her.
Walk the Walk

A friend of mine is afraid of dogs and always imagines scenarios that might unfold when someone approaches with a dog that does not appear to be under control. In…

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Forever Friends

My mom is in her seventies, lives alone in an apartment, and recently mentioned she would love to have a companion dog. In determining what breed, size, exercise, and grooming…

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Bored Dog?

If your dog stares at you incessantly, barks at you, or paws and nudges you, he is demanding attention. But more notably, your dog may be bored. The importance of…

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As parents, we are sometimes frustrated with the behavior of our children, and sometimes exasperated by our dogs. However, when the interaction between them is the issue, it becomes all…

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