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Jenny Adlakha is a freelancer who writes about parenting, education, and healthcare. She lives in the West End with her husband and their two young children.
Having a Baby?

The news of a new baby is accompanied by a range of emotions, from excitement to anxiousness, with a lot of questions in between, shared by new parents, experienced parents,…

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See The World!

International travel with the kids. As these words sunk in, I began to have doubts. Were we crazy? Was I going to regret this? If you're reading this and grappling with…

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Oh, Boys!

Ever wonder what makes boys and girls so different? Beyond the obvious, of course. Just what makes boys tick? Jen, a local mom of three young children wonders, “How do…

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Kindergarten Time!

How do you know if your child is ready for kindergarten? Parent Elizabeth Devitt says, “I change my mind every day.” To enter kindergarten, the school systems of Richmond and…

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Every parent has surely dealt with the challenge of a picky eater at some point or another. I have a friend with a seven-year-old son and four-yearold twins who, desperate…

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