For years, parents have been taught to swaddle their infants, to bundle them up like a “bug in a rug.” Picture a baby burrito. Products abound to assist new parents…
In any pediatric practice, second only to, Does my child have an ear infection? Is this question from parents: Does my child have strep throat? Strep throat is caused by…
We’ve all heard Mother Goose’s lullaby “Rock-a-bye Baby.” While even new parents agree that a treetop is not the place for an infant, can they rest knowing their baby is…
New guidelines published by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have brought attention to a tiny nuisance we all dread – head lice. Nothing can make a rational adult crazier…
Richmond families can count on summertime for fun on the James, watermelon in Cary town, tomatoes from Hanover, and the three Hs in our forecast: hazy, hot, and humid. This…
The clock is blinking 2:00 a.m. as you drag yourself out of bed. Baby has a cold, and if baby doesn’t sleep, nobody sleeps. As you stumble to the crib, you…