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Lia Tremblay is an Emmy-winning writer and editor who specializes in healthcare and science topics. She has written several articles for RFM, including reviews of local theatre productions. She lives in Colonial Heights with her husband and their son.
Look Out For Cash Mob!

Everyone has a favorite local business. The book store where they know your favorite genre. The cafe where the muffins are always perfect. The garden shop where hard-earned advice is…

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The Ultimate Gift

  When you count your blessings this Thanksgiving, what will be on that list? For the more than 25,000 Americans who received a lifesaving transplant since last Turkey Day, the…

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Parent-Powered Nonprofits

It’s something no parent should have to face.The death of a young child brings unprecedented grief on the heels of unprecedented joy.But some parents find relief in philanthropy, using the…

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Preschoolers are world-famous for frequent and urgent bathroom trips. So in 2003, Bridget Gutzmer was only mildly concerned when her daughter Logan, then three years old, was making several bathroom…

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Each year, as summer wraps up and store shelves fill with backpacks, lunchboxes and colorful new notebooks, American families take on a rite of passage: sending their children off to…

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If you saw a woman standing in the grocery store about five years ago, squinting at labels and muttering to herself, that may have been Midlothian mom Laura Duke. “I…

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