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Phoebe P. Hall is an elder law, estate planning, and family law attorney who has been practicing law since 1969. She is CEO of Hall & Hall, PLC and sits on the board of visitors for Virginia Commonwealth University. A Richmond resident, she has two children and three granddaughters.

No parent of young children wants to think her marriage could end in divorce. Yet, the statistics are there, and everybody knows that for a variety of reasons, many families…

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An Education Trust

When Mark and Michelle began thinking about their children’s educations, they quickly became overwhelmed. They had heard of UTMA accounts, 529 plans, and educational trusts. They knew their parents wanted…

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What is Kinship Care?

When John and Ann were in a serious automobile accident, they needed care for their children. Arrangements were made for the kids to stay with relatives in Virginia until their…

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Why a Prenup?

Erica was taken by surprise when her fiancé suggested a prenuptial agreement. She had been so focused on planning the wedding itself – the venue, the reception, the dress, the…

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Keys to Custody

Anne never thought she’d be sitting down with her husband trying to make child custody arrangements. She had friends who had gone through divorce. She knew the struggles that it…

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Studying the Law?

Just like most careers, the field of law is changing in this fast-moving and increasingly complex world. For women, the change in the practice of law has been even more…

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As our parents age and begin to worry about losing their homes due to possible future nursing home expenses, they frequently think about deeding their homes to their adult children,…

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