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Invisible Girl by Lisa Jewell

Darkly thrilling and suspenseful tale about people you might recognize. Cate and Roan Fours, their two teen-aged children, and their neighbor Owen Pick aren’t particularly likable. Despite this, author Lisa Jewell manages to weave a story around them that’s a…

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Indie Bookshops and Why They Rock!

Chris Dudley’s two daughters, ages five and three, love books – a reflection of their parents’ enthusiasm for reading and bookshops.  “My first reading memory is having Mrs. Porter, the school librarian at Crestview Elementary School, read Beverly Cleary’s Henry…

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The Vanishing Half by Brit Bennett

A superbly crafted exploration of race, identity, and family. Identical twins Desiree and Stella Vignes and most of the Black folks who live in the Deep South town where the The Vanishing Half is first set, are so light-skinned they…

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